Guides Engineering Best Practices
Establishing and Enabling a Center of Production Excellence
Software is in a crisis. This is nothing new. Complex distributed systems are perpetually in a state far from equilibrium. It’s through a combination of technical artifacts, organizational practices and policies, and pure gumption that they manage to maintain themselves through time.
However, there are some organizations that seem to have an easier time of it than others. Resilience is an activity they perform, rather than a property attributable to the organization. They don’t take that achievement for granted.
Software is both a product of and part of a sociotechnical system. Unfortunately, the “socio” bit tends to be underappreciated. In this section, we’ll talk about the concept of a “Center of Excellence” or “Observability Guild” or just a plain ol’ bunch of people who have questions for their system, and how such a group can bolster the greater organization and help it achieve production excellence.
In Establishing and Enabling a Center of Production Excellence, Nick Travaglini goes over:
- How to create change from within the organization
- How to staff your CoPE
- What characteristics your CoPE should embody
- How to bring other teams into the fold
- Auto-instrumentation and custom instrumentation
- Telemetry pipelines
- Alert management
- and more!
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