AWS Lambda
For serverless apps based on Lambda, observability can be challenging. With no server to log into, clunky logging interfaces, and short, event-driven process runtimes, making sense of what is going on is often difficult. To help with this, an official AWS-managed OpenTelemetry Lambda Layer lets you use OpenTelemetry in your Lambda Functions and export data asynchronously from those functions.
If you are not using OpenTelemetry, Honeycomb also has an extension that can run as a Lambda Layer, or inside a container alongside your lambda function.
How it works
The AWS-managed OpenTelemetry Lambda Layer works by embedding a stripped-down version of the OpenTelemetry (OTel) Collector inside an AWS Lambda Extension Layer. AWS maintains pre-configured Lambda Layers for several languages with automatic instrumentation. To use it in any language, configure an OTLP exporter to send to the OTel Collector in the Lambda Layer.
Honeycomb supports OpenTelemetry by ingesting OTLP directly, so users of the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) can send tracing data directly to Honeycomb without the need for additional plugins or non-OTLP exporters.