Generating Calculated Fields From Natural Language
f you've been using Honeycomb for a bit, you know that Calculated Fields (otherwise known as derived columns) are a powerful way to transform your...
Honeycomb and the Five Whys: Summary Post
Anchor post at the top of this week’s long series of “vision” posts, so everything doesn’t just appear backwards. :) This week we set forth...
Part 5/5: Building Badass Engineers and Badass Teams
No matter how much we love technology, it is always a means to an end. The mission comes first – we don’t do tech for...
Part 4/5: Everyone is a DBA
DBAs may be the last remaining priesthood in our industry. But software engineers and operations engineers are increasingly finding themselves responsible for precious company data,...
Part 3/5: Dear Operations Engineers
It’s time to shrug off the last vestiges of that martyr complex we’ve been trudging around with since the bad old days of the BOFH....
Part 2/5: Dear Software Engineers
Observability is not a thing for operations or some other team to care about. Software engineers, you are increasingly the primary owners of your own...
Part 1/5: Asking Better Questions
Any mature production system is likely to have hundreds of thousands if not millions of metrics, most of which never get looked at by a...
Why Honeycomb? Black Swans, Unknown-Unknowns, and the Glorious Future of Doom
Hello friends! We need to talk – about Honeycomb, you, and the future. We’ve built this thing to help ourselves and one another deal with...
Enriching Nginx Logs with request_time, Server Data, and Other Goodies
How can you make your nginx logs more awesome? Nginx has some fantastic data hiding in its log_format spec, but oddly enough, most of it...
Discovering and Exploring Web Latency Spikes
Last week, I got a signup invite for Honeycomb. My consulting business has a website management platform with modest but steady traffic, about 30k req/day....
How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 2: Migrating API Versions
Continued from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 1: The Long Tail. We recently released a new version of our API. As scarred veterans of building...
Honeycomb's Open Source Connectors
We’re happy to announce 3 open sourced components to help you get your data into Honeycomb - 2 libraries and a log tailing utility. We...
How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 1: The Long Tail
This post is the first in our series of “dogfooding” posts. At Honeycomb, we dogfood everything: we try to solve all our own problems using...