
Posts by

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Level Up with Derived Columns: Two Neat Tricks That Will Improve Your Observability

When we released derived columns last year, we already knew they were a powerful way to manipulate and explore data in Honeycomb, but we didn’t realize just...

Product Updates  

Announcing Query Descriptions and Query Builder UI Updates

This week we're shipping a few changes to our Query Builder interface. While they may appear small, they are the first steps in a larger...

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Level Up With Derived Columns: Bucketing Events For Comparison

When we released derived columns last year, we already knew they were a powerful way to manipulate and explore data in Honeycomb, but we didn’t...

Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Announcing Honeycomb's Java SDK

Now Java developers can leverage Honeycomb to gain insight into the behavior of their apps and services by using an SDK similar to the ones...

Dogfooding   Databases  

There And Back Again: A Honeycomb Tracing Story

In our previous post about Honeycomb Tracing, we used tracing to better understand Honeycomb's own query path. When doing this kind of investigation, you typically have...

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Level Up With Derived Columns: Understanding Screen Size (With Basic Arithmetic)

When we released derived columns last year, we already knew they were a powerful way to manipulate and explore data in Honeycomb, but we didn’t realize just...

Observability   Logging   Instrumentation   Events  

How Are Structured Logs Different From Events?

We're all collectively trying to define observability ("o11y," pronounced "olly") these days, and, as Honeycomb is sometimes described as an event-based observability product, trying to...

Instrumentation   Dogfooding   Debugging  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 9: Tracing The Query Path

This post continues our long-running dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb Part 8: A Bee’s Life. To understand how Honeycomb uses Honeycomb at a high...

Product Updates   Debugging  

Get deeper insights with Honeycomb Tracing

We're excited to introduce Honeycomb Tracing! Now, you can both: Visualize individual traces to deeply understand request execution, and Break down, filter, and aggregate trace...

Product Updates   Observability   Logging   Debugging   Connectors & Integrations  

Honeycomb goes Serverless: Send your app data without running agents

Serverless apps are growing in popularity, thanks to tools like AWS API Gateway and Lambda, and a growing number of powerful frameworks that simplify development...

Product Updates  

Build and Run a Honeycomb Query right from your URL bar with Query Template Links

Whenever you run a Honeycomb query, you're directed to the permalink for the results. Returning to this URL always supplies the same data without re-running...

Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Support for AWS Application Load Balancer in the Honeycomb AWS Bundle

When we announced support for ingesting AWS Elastic Load Balancer access logs to Honeycomb, one of the first follow-up requests was for us to add support for...

Product Updates   Observability   Instrumentation   Connectors & Integrations  

Instrument Your Go App In Minutes with the Honeycomb Beeline for Go

Want magical per-request instrumentation to roll effortlessly out of your Go app without even looking like you’re trying? Meet the Honeycomb Beeline for Go! Beelines automatically...

Observability   Connectors & Integrations  

Observability into Bare Metal Provisioning with RackN

This guest blog post is from Rob Hirschfeld, Co-founder and CEO at RackN.   At RackN, a core design principle is that operations should be easy...

Product Updates  

Add Custom Markers from the Query UI

When it comes to observing systems, it helps to have tools that quickly and efficiently allow you to highlight events, anomalies, or simply changes to...

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