There And Back Again: A Honeycomb Tracing Story
In our previous post about Honeycomb Tracing, we used tracing to better understand Honeycomb's own query path. When doing this kind of investigation, you typically have...
How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 7: Measure twice, cut once: How we made our queries 50% faster...with data
This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 6: Instrumenting a Production Service . The entire value proposition of Honeycomb’s columnar...
Instrumentation: Instrumenting HTTP Services
Welcome to the second week of our blog post series on instrumentation, curated by Julia and Charity. This week will focus more on operational and...
The MySQL Slow Query Log, AWS Golang SDK, RDS and You
Did you know you can do fun things with the MySQL slow query log, using the nothing but the AWS golang SDK for RDS? It’s...
MySQL and Honeycomb: My First 10 Minutes
As part of the process of building our RDS connector for Honeycomb, we ran it on our own database logs. A few neat things came...
How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 1: The Long Tail
This post is the first in our series of “dogfooding” posts. At Honeycomb, we dogfood everything: we try to solve all our own problems using...