
Category: Dogfooding

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Level Up With Derived Columns: Understanding Screen Size (With Basic Arithmetic)

When we released derived columns last year, we already knew they were a powerful way to manipulate and explore data in Honeycomb, but we didn’t realize just...

Instrumentation   Dogfooding   Debugging  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 9: Tracing The Query Path

This post continues our long-running dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb Part 8: A Bee’s Life. To understand how Honeycomb uses Honeycomb at a high...


RDS Performance Degradation - Postmortem

Summary Note: all times are UTC unless otherwise noted. On Thursday, May 3 starting at 00:39:08 UTC (Wednesday 17:39 PDT) we experienced a nearly complete...

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Resolving High CPU Usage in Kubernetes With Honeycomb

At Honeycomb, we’re excited about Kubernetes. In fact, we’re in the early stages of moving some of our services to k8s. Tools like kops have...

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Sam Stokes talks about data infrastructure on the Data Engineering Podcast

This past week, Honeycomb engineering manager Sam Stokes was interviewed on the Data Engineering Podcast, and in addition to hearing him talk a little about...

Operations   Metrics   Dogfooding  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb Part 8: A Bee's Life

This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 7: Measure twice, cut once: How we made our queries 50% faster…with data....

Dogfooding   Databases  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 7: Measure twice, cut once: How we made our queries 50% faster...with data

This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 6: Instrumenting a Production Service . The entire value proposition of Honeycomb’s columnar...

Observability   Instrumentation   Dogfooding  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 6: Instrumenting a Production Service

This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 5: The Correlations Are Not What They Seem. In a recent blog post,...


How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 5: Feature Flags

This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 4: Check Before You Change. Maybe you’ve heard the saying that correlation does...

Software Engineering   Observability   Instrumentation   Dogfooding   Debugging  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 4: Check Before You Change

This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 3: End-to-end Failures. As Honeycomb matures, we try to roll out changes as...

Operations   Observability   Dogfooding   Debugging  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 3: End-to-End Failures

At Honeycomb, one of our foremost concerns (in our product as well as our customers’) is reliability. To that end, we have end-to-end (e2e) checks...

Operations   Dogfooding   Debugging   Connectors & Integrations  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 2: Migrating API Versions

Continued from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 1: The Long Tail. We recently released a new version of our API. As scarred veterans of building...

Operations   Dogfooding   Databases   Connectors & Integrations  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 1: The Long Tail

This post is the first in our series of “dogfooding” posts. At Honeycomb, we dogfood everything: we try to solve all our own problems using...

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