So, What’s the Difference Between Observability and Monitoring?
Observability and monitoring are not about gathering different data—they differ in their purpose, but share the same data....
Why Observability 2.0 Is Such a Gamechanger
One of the hardest parts of my job is to get people to appreciate just how much of a difference Honeycomb/observability 2.0 is compared to...
2024 Wrapped: 6 Key Observability Trends
Another one in the history books: 2024 is (almost!) over. The OpenObservability Talks podcast, hosted by Dotan Horovits, recently featured a lively discussion with Charity...
Measure What Matters
Have you ever had an alert go off that you immediately ignore? It’s a nuisance alert—not actionable—but you keep it around just in case. Or...
Observability in the Age of AI
Honeycomb engineers were amongst the earliest adopters of this technology. Not in the widely parodied top-down, VP-mandated, “go be AI leaders nao plz” kind of...
Understanding Develocity Build Data with Honeycomb
Develocity, formerly known as Gradle Enterprise, is a powerful tool that speeds up local and CI build time, helps troubleshoot your builds, and analyzes your...
Beyond Monitoring: A Guide to Cloud Observability
With more and often smaller processes, cloud-native architectures have driven the need for better insights into our software—a way to look into how these processes...
There Is Only One Key Difference Between Observability 1.0 and 2.0
We’ve been talking about observability 2.0 a lot lately; what it means for telemetry and instrumentation, its practices and sociotechnical implications, and the dramatically different...
How to Get Infinite Custom Metrics For Free
Oh no, I’m getting out-of-memory errors! How much memory is my app using? To find out, we go look for a metric that tells us...
Refinery and EMA Sampling
Refinery is Honeycomb's sampling proxy, which our largest customers use to improve the value they get from their telemetry. It has a variety of interesting...
An Ode to Events
At this point, it’s almost passé to write a blog post comparing events to the three pillars. Nobody really wants to give up their position....
It's Time to Version Observability: Introducing Observability 2.0
In 2016, we at Honeycomb first borrowed the term “observability” from the wikipedia entry for control systems observability, where it is a measure of your...
The Evolution of Engineering and the Role of Observability 2.0 in Shaping the Future
Engineering has come a long way since the days of delivering discrete, point-in-time products that were often packaged on a CD and shipped to customers....
What Is Full-Stack Observability?
Simply put, full-stack observability is monitoring designed for modern, cloud-native architectures. It allows you to understand how your software system interacts at scale, across everything...
Apdex in Honeycomb
“How is my app performing?” is one of the most common, yet hardest questions to answer. There are myriad ways to measure this, like error...