
The ilert + Honeycomb integration uses Honeycomb Triggers to create SMS, push, and voice notifications. ilert ensures your on-call teams are alerted immediately to improve incident response time. ilert’s incident communication features can update status pages and keep stakeholders and clients informed about incidents in real time.

This integration is maintained by ilert.

How it works

From ilert, navigate to Alert sources and choose Honeycomb to create a webhook URL. Use the provided URL when configuring a Honeycomb Trigger. Adjust the alert template according to the payload and set up custom escalation policy routing. This integration also supports alert links, priority mapping, and automatic alert resolution: when the Honeycomb Trigger is resolved, the corresponding alert in ilert will also resolve.



ilert Documentation for Honeycomb

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Honeycomb Documentation for Triggers

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ilert Honeycomb Integration

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