Tracing   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Not Your Aunt’s Tracing

Dear Miss O11y, How is modern observability using tracing, such as Honeycomb, different from the previous distributed tracing software I'm familiar with, like Dapper, at...

Observability   Best Practices  

✨ The ✨ Book✨ Is ✨ Done✨

The book is done. The book is FINISHED. There will be no more writing of the book! Holy macaroni. If you think you might be...

Instrumentation   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: When should you delete instrumentation? 

When do you delete instrumentation? You delete instrumentation when you delete code. Other than that, if you’re doing things right: almost never. One of the...

Observability   Best Practices  

Observability for New Teams: Part 1

Any significant shift in an organization’s software engineering culture has the potential to feel tectonic, and observability (o11y for short)—or more specifically, Observability Driven Development—is...

Tracing   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Baggage in OTel

Miss O11y is delighted to welcome our newest band member: Martin Thwaites! Martin has been a member of the Honeycomb user community practically since its...

Teams & Collaboration   Culture  

Why UX Designers Don’t Feel Valued—and Why This Is a Problem for Your Business

It’s time we had a real conversation about why UX designers everywhere are still unhappy, why that elusive “seat at the table” feels so impossibly...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Logs vs. Traces

Tracing looks like a lot of work. We already have logs. Why bother adding traces? Ah, good question!  TL;DR: Trace instead of log. Traces show...

Software Engineering   Connectors & Integrations  

The power of asking questions

This is a guest post by Vlad Ionescu. Vlad Ionescu jokingly describes himself as a "Professional mistake avoider" which is a better way of saying...

Best Practices  

OnCallogy Sessions

Being on call is challenging. It’s signing up to be operating complex services in a totally interruptible manner, at all hours of the day or...

Service Level Objectives   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Pls ELI5 TLAs like PRO, SRE, and SLOs!

Dear Miss O11y, I'm confused by all of the Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) that have started popping up lately. This week, I got an email...


Top 5 Takeaways From GDC 2022

The Game Developers Conference (GDC) is a yearly event that brings together leading brands in the gaming industry to talk about trends in development and...

Service Level Objectives   Product Updates   Metrics  

Honeycomb Pro: Now With Metrics & SLOs

Honeycomb Pro is about to get even better. Starting today, all Pro accounts have access to Honeycomb Metrics and two Service Level Objectives (SLOs), previously...

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