Introduction To Observability

Introduction To Observability

Introduction To Observability

This event has ended.


Liz Fong-Jones

Principal Developer Advocate

Jessica Kerr

Developer Advocate

When: January 26, 2022 at 11 a.m. PT| 2 p.m. ET

Duration: 3 hours

This workshop covers both the theory and practice of observability. You’ll familiarize yourself with both Honeycomb and OpenTelemetry with hands-on exercise, and also learn how to introduce observability into your organization.

You will learn:

  • The velocity and reliability benefits of observability
  • The differences between monitoring, telemetry signals, and observability
  • How observability fits in with other progressive delivery techniques, such as continuous integration, feature flagging, and cloud-native microservices
  • Sending trace data to Honeycomb from a sample application via OpenTelemetry
  • Practicing the core analysis loop to identify performance issues using Honeycomb with the Home, Query Builder, Distributed Trace, and Raw Rows data views
  • Adding application-specific metadata to further enrich your traces
  • Sharing query results with your team

Attendee Prerequisite(s):

This workshop requires basic programming knowledge in at least one language of: Java, Node.js, Python, .NET, or Golang. Attendees should have prior experience delivering and/or operating production software. Attendees must be able to join a Zoom webinar, including breakout rooms, and use a web browser to access both GitHub and the Honeycomb UI. A Honeycomb account is required (if you don’t have one, you can sign up for free)

Note: Attendees will not be able to complete hands-on portions of this workshop without meeting these requirements.

The workshop will NOT be recorded