We have two talks at Philly ETE (Emerging Technology for the Enterprise) this year:
Your Distributed System is Talking to You: OpenTelemetry
10:15 on Tuesday, 11 Apr 2023
by Jessica Kerr.
OpenTelemetry: https://opentelemetry.io
and on GitHub: https://github.com/open-telemetry/
Cook, Richard M.D. “Above the Line, Below the Line” https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3380777
Woods, Cook, et al. https://stella.report
Observability Engineering book
Talk to me about your particular situation: honeycomb.io/office-hours
Leading With The Platform: A Platform Engineering Approach To Tech Debt
1:3o on Tuesday
by Jess Mink, Director of Platform
Opportunity canvas: https://jpattonassociates.com/opportunity-canvas/