Webinars Observability Engineering Best Practices CI/CD Pipelines
Accelerate CI/CD with Observability
Welcome to The Authors’ Cut Series We are joined in this session by Frank Chen, Senior Staff Software Engineer, Slack, who dives into how Slack gained powerful troubleshooting insights by applying observability to their software delivery practice. We also delve into specific continuous integration (CI) / continuous deployment (CD) architectures and how observability can be used to debug pipeline issues. Topics include: - Observability in CI/CD. Why using observability in your build pipelines is as important as using it for production services. (Chapter 14) - Instrumenting Pipelines. How to think about configuring client dimensions in tests for meaningful traces. (Chapter 14) - Accelerating your software builds. By using context and queries to investigate flaky tests, create actionable alerts, and streamline pipeline performance, debugging, and analysis (Chapter 14). - A Honeycomb Demo. Showcasing Buildevents to help you debug and improve your builds. About This Series Welcome to The Authors’ Cut series. In writing the O’Reilly Observability Engineering book, our goal is to help you achieve production excellence, based on our experiences building and operating commercial SaaS products at scale, and as creators of observability tooling for high-performance engineering teams. These are interactive sessions led by authors Charity Majors, Liz Fong-Jones, and George Miranda where you’ll discuss concepts in the book, see how to apply them in Honeycomb, and get advice on strategy and implementation in your world.