Introducing Honeycomb for Log Analytics & Telemetry Pipeline - get more value from your logs!

DevOpsDays Seattle 2021

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Check out our recent blog posts

So, What’s the Difference Between Observability and Monitoring?

Observability and monitoring are not about gathering different data—they differ in their purpose, but share the same data.

AI for Software Engineering is Just Another “Paradigm Shift”

How many of you started with technologies you still use exactly the same way today? Even if you’re a master Lisp/Clojure developer, you’ve still evolved, right? I should really get my head around those parentheses some day.

Does AI Help Write Better Software, or Just… More Code?
Does AI Help Write Better Software, or Just… More Code?

As software teams race to integrate AI into their development workflows, we need to ask ourselves: are AI-powered tools actually making software better?