Service Level Objectives   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Pls ELI5 TLAs like PRO, SRE, and SLOs!

Dear Miss O11y, I'm confused by all of the Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) that have started popping up lately. This week, I got an email...


Top 5 Takeaways From GDC 2022

The Game Developers Conference (GDC) is a yearly event that brings together leading brands in the gaming industry to talk about trends in development and...

Service Level Objectives   Product Updates   Metrics  

Honeycomb Pro: Now With Metrics & SLOs

Honeycomb Pro is about to get even better. Starting today, all Pro accounts have access to Honeycomb Metrics and two Service Level Objectives (SLOs), previously...

Product Updates  

A Better Environment for Observability, at Your Service

We’ve made some big changes under the hood at Honeycomb to give you better control over how you put your apps data to work—we’ve expanded...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Do I Need Observability If My Stack Is Boring?

Observability came out of microservices and cloud-native, right? If you have a simpler architecture, does o11y matter?” — this question came up during recent office...


Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distro for Java reaches 1.0 release

Today, the Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distribution for Java reaches a major milestone with a 1.0 release. This is the first Honeycomb OTel Distro to come out...

Tracing   Instrumentation  

startSpan vs. startActiveSpan

TL;DR: startSpan is easier and measures a duration. Use it if your work won’t create any subspans. startActiveSpan requires that you pass a callback for...

Connectors & Integrations  

Honeycomb Terraform Provider Now Officially Supported by Honeycomb

Previously announced as a community-led project, the Terraform provider for Honeycomb is now officially maintained by Honeycomb in partnership with Hashicorp. We recognize how valuable...

Software Engineering  

On the Brittleness of Dashboards

Dashboards are one of the most basic and popular tools software engineers use to operate their systems. In this post, I'll make the argument that...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Making Sense of OpenTelemetry: Who’s There? The Resource.

I’m adding instrumentation code to my app. To set it up, I have to create a Resource. What does that mean? What can I do...


OpenTelemetry (OTel) Is Key to Avoiding Vendor Lock-in

The promise of OpenTelemetry is that it can help you avoid vendor lock-in by allowing you to instrument your applications once, then send that data...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: OpenTelemetry in the Front End: Tracing Across Page Load

We want to measure the time that a user waits between pushing a button and seeing their result. The examples for creating a trace span...

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