We’re happy to announce 3 open sourced components to help you get your data into Honeycomb – 2 libraries and a log tailing utility.
We have two libraries available to make it easy to send events to Honeycomb directly from within your application: go and python. For details of how our libraries integrate with your code, you can read our docs on SDKs.
// call Init before using libhoney
WriteKey: "abcabc123123defdef456456",
Dataset: "Example Service",
defer libhoney.Close()
// create an event, add fields
ev := libhoney.NewEvent()
ev.AddField("duration_ms", 153.12)
ev.AddField("method", "get")
// send the event
Honeytail is a small utility that will tail your log files and submit events to Honeycomb. A compiled linux binary is also available for download. Honeytail has parsers built in for nginx, mysql, and mongo logs, as well as one to parse JSON logs. Please let us know if you’d like other parsers for Honeytail!
We happily consider contributions to all of our open source repos! Please open a Github issue or pull request.