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Jessica Kerr | Feb 26, 2024
In twenty years of software development, I did not have the privilege of being on call, of tending to my software in production. I’ve never understood what “APM” means. Anybody can tell me what it stands for—Application Performance Monitoring (or sometimes, the M means Management)—but what does it mean? What do people use APM for? Now, I work at an observability company—and still, no one can give me a satisfying definition of “APM.” So I did some research, and now the use of APM makes sense from a few angles.
Rox Williams | Feb 22, 2024
Birdie’s platform is a complex software system that covers a lot of ground—from care management and rostering to HR and finance. To ensure the platform runs smoothly and the team can swiftly fix issues, the company depends on a smart observability tool to understand its performance and direct debugging efforts. However, since it’s not clear upfront which dimensions are going to be valuable for debugging purposes, the team needs the ability to adeptly query and explore the data.
Phillip Carter | Feb 20, 2024
Back in May 2023, I helped launch my first bona fide feature that uses LLMs in production. It was difficult in lots of different ways, but one thing I didn’t elaborate in several blog posts was how lucky I was to have a coherent way to get the data I needed to make the feature useful for users.
Rox Williams | Feb 16, 2024
Application performance monitoring, also known as APM, represents the difference between code and running software. You need the measurements in order to manage performance.
Jason Harley | Feb 14, 2024
We're delighted to introduce our new Ingest API Keys, a significant step toward enabling all Honeycomb customers to manage their observability complexity simply, efficiently, and securely. Ingest Keys are currently available for Environment & Services customers, with Classic support and programmatic key management capabilities under development and coming soon!
Austin Parker | Feb 06, 2024
In today’s economic and regulatory environment, data sovereignty is increasingly top of mind for observability teams. The rules and regulations surrounding telemetry data can often be challenging to interpret, leaving many teams in the dark about what kind of data they can capture, how long it can be stored, and where it has to reside.
Jessica Kerr | Feb 02, 2024
The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is always drawn as a circle. In many places I’ve worked, there’s no discernable connection between “5. Operate” and “1. Plan.” However, at Honeycomb, there is.
Mike Terhar | Feb 01, 2024
When you have questions about your software, telemetry data is there for you. Over time, you make friends with your data, learning what queries take you right to the error you want to see, and what graphs reassure you that your software is serving users well. You build up alerts based on those errors. You set business goals as SLOs around those graphs. And you find the balance of how much telemetry to sample, retaining the shape of important metrics and traces of all the errors, while dropping the rest to minimize costs.
Rox Williams | Jan 29, 2024
At Honeycomb, we are very concerned about privacy and data sovereignty—it’s something we take very seriously, and in an effort to serve our customers better, we’re thrilled to announce that we now offer data residency in Europe.
Charity Majors | Jan 24, 2024
The cost of services is on everybody’s mind right now, with interest rates rising, economic growth slowing, and organizational budgets increasingly feeling the pinch. But I hear a special edge in people’s voices when it comes to their observability bill, and I don’t think it’s just about the cost of goods sold. I think it’s because people are beginning to correctly intuit that the value they get out of their tooling has become radically decoupled from the price they are paying.
Fred Hebert | Jan 19, 2024
Good alerting hygiene consists of a few components: chasing down alert conditions, reflecting on incidents, and thinking of what makes a signal good or bad. The hope is that we can get our alerts to the stage where they will page us when they should, and they won’t when they shouldn’t. However, the reality of alerting in a socio-technical system must cater not only to the mess around the signal, but also to the longer term interpretation of alerts by people and automation acting on them. This post will expand on this messiness and why Honeycomb favors an iterative approach to setting our alerts.
Jeremy Blythe | Jan 18, 2024
There’s plenty of literature on the mechanics of instrumenting code with OpenTelemetry and delivering it to Honeycomb. However, I’ve not found many guides on the craft of instrumenting code in order to have a good observability experience in your system. A lot of focus is placed on automatic instrumentation—which is great, particularly if you’re new to observability or retrofitting—but it misses the power of good instrumentation at the application level.